So I kept seeing this stuff everywhere about Twilight. Thinking what? What is this? I had no idea, until I finally clicked on the countdown thingy on Dawns Diversions and then I saw that it was a book, but it was about vampires. Ok, not interested. But then it kept cropping up everywhere, people I knew had read it, supposed to be really good...blah, blah, blah. Well, then Wal-mart had it for $8 in paperback. I read the cover and said, what the heck. I havent read a fiction book in forever. Seriously. I cant remember when. Or what.
Yea, so I started reading it.....
and then I finished the book...
the next day.
Amazing. Not scary at all, but a love story, and its not demonic or satanic or anything. I love her writing and that she is so descriptive. I am the kind of reader that if the author is good, (like Stephenie Meyer is) I actually go all day thinking things about that person like they are my friends or something. Am I the only one who does that? I put the book down for a short moment to care for my starving and neglected children today and wondered what Edward was doing while I couldnt be there.
I think I may be in love with a vampire.
So I get on the computer to tell my blog readers about this amazing book and my dear friend had the exact post today!!! She is reading the book as we speak and will surely be up all night finishing it. (She just started today.) Yes, its that good.
So have you been bitten?
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5 years ago
LOL, you are so funny & true! I totally do that! I usually have to listen to a book (while I wash dishes/clean, etc) rather than sit & try to read it (kids make me lose my place.) Then I can't stop thinking about it all day.
Jamie (littlest sis) just got bit & she is in love! I am buying her the 3rd book asap as a thank you for watching the kids the other day.
I have always had a thing for vamps since Brad Pitt & Tom Cruise, so I have been trying to stay away. I may just give in now!
I haven't read the book and only knew of it becausef Dawn's blog and Shelfari bookshelf. Hmm...I may have to check it out!
Okay, you have my interest peaked. I am go by the library and pick it up. I need a good read-- and yes, I think about the characters too.
This is so wierd. I have been wanting to start that series but am waiting until i can sleep through the night. I too will get way into a book and not think about anything else. (besides my starving kid) It sounds immature but you should totally read harry potter, jk rowling is very descriptive and easy to get into. I really like to read a book someone else is reading also so i have someone to talk to about it. if you want you can wait until i read the first before you start the second and we can read together.
I have read all of those books and loved them all. Happy Halloween!
Ok I'm starting #2.
I don't have time to blog I have to get reading ; )
Can't wait to see how this keeps going!!!
I might have to see if I can fit in some leisure reading... With all the reading in the college text books the idea of reading for pleasure just doesn't seem possible!! LOL... I think the last time I read something that I wanted to read was ... hmmm... 5 years ago.. Wow!
Just so you know...between you and Jen L, I was convinced to give Twilight a try and I am so glad I did. I'll post on my blog once I'm finished and let you know what I think but I'm loving it so far!
LOL... Thanks for the mention!! I'm so glad you like the books.
One of the reasons I love reading so much is because I feel like I take on their life. Sometimes I'm really bummed when I finish a book. LOL
Michelle and I ordered t-shirts to wear to the premier of the movie! LOL There was one that said "Edward, my fictional boyfriend!" LOL
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